The NLAV Quilt Guild is dedicated to creating quilts for women and children who are fleeing domestic violence (DV).

We get together and create beautiful quilts and then donate them to domestic violence and homeless shelters or straight to the victims themselves. The factor that separates us from other quilt guilds is that we have a quilter database on this website of not only our quilter’s names & their stories, but also pictures of all of the quilts made by each guild member.
The advantage of our quilt guild database is that it allows victims to learn more about the person who created their quilt, and even allow the possibility of meeting that quilter.
As a domestic violence victim, not only is receiving a quilt personally or at a DV shelter beyond comforting, it can be a God-send!
Additionally, if you participate in the No Longer A Victim Quilt Guild, you will receive tags to put on your quilts so whoever receives your blanket will be able to learn about your creation and possibly even connect with you.

To become a No Longer A Victim (NLAV) Quilt Guild Member, visit our Shop page to buy your customized tags, or email us with questions at: Hello@NoLongerAVictim.Today.